
Q. What is the Pink Ribbon Program?

The Pink Ribbon program is a 6 week exercise program based on Pilates principles of rehabilitation. It has been developed by breast cancer survivor, Doreen Puglisi, for breast cancer survivors. The program specifically addresses the needs and challenges facing all women recovering from Breast Cancer related surgery.

Q. What are the benefits of the program?

At the end of a 6 week program you can find everyday activities as easy as they were pre-surgery. You will build strength and range of motion in your arm and shoulder and experience reduced levels of pain and tightness. If you have had reconstruction surgery we will also show you how to regain strength in those areas affected by the surgery e.g. lower abdominals, chest or upper back.

You will also reduce your risk of developing lymphoedema.

Q. Why Pilates?

Pilates is recognised by the medical profession as being an effective form of exercise to rehabilitate injury and illness. It is practised globally by those wishing to strengthen their ‘core’ (abdominal and lower back) muscles as well as those wishing to address muscle imbalances, often as a result of injury and surgery.

The Pink Ribbon program uses gentle yet targeted Pilates exercises to progressively stretch and strengthen your shoulders, chest and back to regain full range of movement and reduce risk of lymphoedema. You will also improve your overall core stability and strength.

Q. When should I do this program?

Whether you are recovering from recent surgery or are many years post-surgery, the Pink Ribbon Program can be beneficial for many. We recommend an Initial Consultation with one of our Pink Ribbon Instructors to get you started.

Q. I feel too weak from treatment, how can I do this program?

The program is a very gentle, safe, progressive series of Pilates exercises designed specifically for those recovering from breast cancer surgery.  Indeed many participants in the program find that their energy levels increase once they get started. Whereas in the past the medical advice was to rest the affected area, recent studies indicate a link between moderate physical exercise and improved quality of life for breast cancer survivors. It is with this in mind that the Pink Ribbon program was developed. We can also work with you for shorter sessions on a one to one basis as required.

Q. How can I find out more?

To book in for an Initial Consultation or speak to one of our Pink Ribbon Instructors please see our Contact Us page.

Visit the Pink Ribbon Program website for more information.