
Breast Cancer Rehabilitation

Mature woman enjoying beach

The emotional trauma of recovering from breast cancer surgery is often talked about and acknowledged; however the physical trauma is often neglected and there are very few clear rehabilitation options once surgery is completed.

There are numerous side effects from the surgery and women are often left with consistent pain and swelling as well as significantly reduced range of movement in the shoulder and arm making daily activities difficult and a return to ‘normal life’ very challenging.

Whereas in the past the medical advice was to rest the affected area, recent studies indicate a link between moderate physical exercise and improved quality of life for breast cancer survivors. It is with this in mind that the Pink Ribbon program was developed.

Pilates and Breast Cancer

MovementThe Pilates Method has a long history working with those affected by breast cancer. Eve Gentry was a professional dancer and protégé of Joseph Pilates and she served as a teacher and associate with him in his New York studio from 1942 to 1968.

In 1955 Eve was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a full radical mastectomy, which removed the most of her pectoralis major (chest) muscle. Post surgery she was left unable to lift her arms which would have meant an end to her dancing career.

Joe said “Don’t worry. We fix.” and through his Method, Joseph Pilates was able to help restore Eve’s range of motion. He even filmed her to prove to her doctors the success of his teachings. They didn’t believe him so Joe re-filmed it with Eve topless and the medical community were amazed.


We also recommend what we call “pre-hab” if you are scheduled for surgery in future. We will work with you to build your core strength, improve your posture and get you ready to cope with the physical challenges that treatment can throw at you. These sessions are bookable on a one to one basis at both studios.